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Transport and Communication Publishers

A publishing house with 75 years of experience in publications on transport and telecommunications - their history and contemporary issues. Our publications are addressed to scientists, students, professionals and amateurs, as well as fans and hobbyists of aviation, railways, roads, electronics and telecommunications and the motor industry. We devote a great deal of care to ensure that Polish achievements in these fields are properly presented. Our books have been awarded numerous prizes and awards for their editorial standard. Our publications include: scientific monographs, dictionaries and lexicons, academic textbooks and engineering manuals, reference books for professionals and handbooks for school children and students, popular science and technology books for adults and young people, albums and monographs on the history of technology, reference publications.


Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności Sp. z o.o.
ul. Armii Krajowej 8
05-071 Sulejówek


tel. +48 22 849 27 51

Dariusz Kozłowski – chairman of the board and director
+48 22 849 23 45, dariusz.kozlowski@wkl.com.pl

Krzysztof Wiśniewski – editor in chief
+48 22 849 23 21, krzysztof.wisniewski@wkl.com.pl


"The 2010 Award of Distinction, Language Other Than English goes to Polish-Language book Samochody osobowe, by Andrzej Zielinski, published by Wydawnictwa Komunikacji in Warsaw. The nominator was SAH member Robert Przybylski" (SAH Jurnal No.248 Electronic Edition) This time the author of this publication, the famous historian of Polish motoring, describes the technical evolution of the motor car, beginning from the first attempts to build „a horseless vehicle" through its childhood adventures and adolescence twists and turns up to its mature years. First of all he focuses on the technical solutions, describing those that - although in an altered form - have served us to this day as well as the ideas forgotten, sometimes undeservedly, a long time ago. He analyses in detail the car models recognised as the milestones of the history of motoring, illustrating his dissertation with more than five hundred photos and drawings, in the big part in colour. The indexes and technical data tables allow fast retrieval of the necessary information. The final dividing line of the book is the year 2000, the end of the century, aptly called "the car age".

In Polish literature, this is the first truly thorough analysis of the technical development of the motor cars and their major assemblies, which diligently systemises the knowledge of solutions used in the construction of these vehicles over the years.